What is this?
This is a portfolio for my Masters of Library and Information Science (MLIS) at San Jose State University (SJSU). This portfolio is the culminating evidence for the work completed during this masters program. The portfolio is organized in the following sections:
- Introduction: An introductory statement about the portfolio and its context.
- Statement of Professional Philosophy: A statement that expresses my personal philosophy of librarianship and how libraries contribute to the cultural, economic, educational and social well-being of our communities.
- Competencies: Statements of competency for the SJSU MLIS 14 core competencies. These include evidence from assignments and projects demonstrating an understanding of the competency.
- Conclusion: Concluding statements including reflections on the MLIS program.
- Affirmation: A statement affirmation this work is mine and mine alone and that the portfolio is password-protected and privacy of others is respected.
Who am I?
I am a graduate of the SJSU MLIS program. I also work full-time as a Data Services Engineer for the Harold B. Lee Library (HBLL) at Brigham Young University (BYU) where a scholar can study like a scholar.