After Steve Jobs introduced the iPad at the January 27, 2010 Apple Keynote (Apple, 2010) he commented on why Apple is able to make the kind of products they make:
Now the reason that Apple is able to create products like the iPad is because we’ve always tried to be at the intersection of technology and liberal arts. To be able to get the best of both. To make extremely advanced products from a technology point of view but also have them be intuitive, easy to use, fun to use so that they really fit the users; the users don’t have to come to them; they come to the user. And its the combination of these two things that I think has let us make the kind of creative products like the iPad.
Standing at the intersection of technology and liberal arts is an idea that keenly resonates with me. As I reflect on my experience with libraries and in the San Jose State University (SJSU) Masters of Library and Information Science (MLIS) program I see a parallel between Jobs' statement about creating the iPad and the value of the library.
Libraries also stand at the intersection of technology and liberal arts. Libraries strive to bring out the best in both technology and the liberal arts. Libraries and information organizations provide services and products that span multiple disciplines and strive to be intuitive, easy to use, and fun to use. They continue to improve in becoming user-centric and working to meet the needs of their patrons and clientele. It was this idea that brought me to pursue a MLIS from SJSU and continues to drive my passion today.
After graduating with BS in Geography from Brigham Young University (BYU) in 2007 I worked professionally in the field of computerized mapping and Geographic Information Systems. During this time I developed an interest to pursue a masters degree in library and information science. I wanted to shift my professional career towards working in an academic library utilizing computer and technology skills gained from my school, professional, and personal experience. I started the SJSU MLIS program in the Fall semester of 2013. With every course my love for libraries and desire to shift careers increased.
This portfolio is the culminating result of this degree. The portfolio is divided up into the following sections:
- Statement of Professional Philosophy: A statement that expresses my personal philosophy of librarianship and how libraries contribute to the cultural, economic, educational and social well-being of our communities.
- Competencies: Statements of competency for the SJSU MLIS 14 core competencies.
- Conclusion: Concluding statements including reflections on the MLIS program.
- Affirmation: A statement affirmation this work is mine and mine alone and that the portfolio is password-protected and privacy of others is respected.
Each statement of competency includes evidence gathered from the assignments and projects completed during the MLIS program. These pieces of evidence were collected and saved after each semester for the purpose of utilizing them in this portfolio. Evidence includes links to PDF files of submitted work or links to external content including screencasts and external sites hosting previously submitted assignments. You are invited to view my portfolio for INFO 289 to complete my MLIS at SJSU.
Apple. (2010, January 27). Apple announces ipad. [Episode 26]. Apple Keynotes. Podcast retrieved from